
Saturday, June 2, 2012

Okay, so these lovely people are Sofia's proud parents. That's my daughter Brittney and her husband Juan. I think they are a good couple. They are still young and things come up, but they are good together. Look at my baby's sweet face, I guess that's where Sofia gets it.

We are all cohabiting right now, waiting for the inspection on their new house so I have been lucky enough to have had my new grandbaby with me since she came home from the hospital. I have been able to swaddle her and rock her to sleep, feed her and soothe her crying. What more could a "Love" ask for?

Brittney and Juan are new parents so there is a learning curve but I can see they are on the right track. They have gotten a routine down and the evenings are much smoother. Those of you who are willing, pray for this little family as they set off into their new adventure as new homeowners.

Friday, June 1, 2012

          I just had to upload this one!
My dollbaby Sofia.
Up And Running!

I am more overwhelmed than I thought by the launch of my new website. I knew it would come to pass, I just was not prepared for how awesome it would really be. Some serious time and talent was taken to make Tracypalmer.org what it is. I must give all props to Grady Tart of In Essence Technology Solutions out of Raleigh Durham, NC. Without his care and expertise, the site would me nothing. Please check him out at inessencetechnology.com.

After the site was up and running and able to accept purchases, one came through. MY FIRST SALE OF MY FIRST BOOK! The most lovely, precious thing about it is that the first purchase was made by my BEST FRIEND, Cynthia Alexander. She has been with me every step of the way and I cannot thank her enough. LITERALLY... the words "Thank you" just don't seem to be enough to adequately express the love, respect and emotion that I hold for this single human being.God is so magnificent in how he places those people in your life that just fit PERFECTLY. And for a best friend, Cynthia is my perfect fit.
 I hope that you all reading this will take a look at both my site and Grady's and if you can, show your support. I am so excited to be embarking on this new adventure and I hope you will join me. And if by chance you have not found your path...I hope it's just around the corner.