
Saturday, March 17, 2012

Delayed by the "crud..."

I know, it's been forever since I've blogged but in my defense...I've had huge case of the CRUD! I began feeling sick around the end of October just as we were really getting into weekly rehearsals for the family show. I asked my boss if he could see me at the clinic and he agreed. I was having difficulty breathing, but I atributed it to allergies (everyone around me was dealing with the same type of thing). 

In the clinic the doc listened to my chest and described my wheezing as "impressive." I was given a breathing treatment, a steriod injection, an antibiotic injection and a ton of medications...I was SICK!
For the next 3 months I have suffered with BRONCHITIS and it has been a bear. I was finally given some Singulair and I am starting to feel better. I was also given the advice of using Vicks vapor rub on my chest before going to bed and it really did help.

I was concerned that I was sick through rehearsals and during the actual show. I was totally medicated and got through everything just fine.

In January I looked forward to a great year filled with new experiences and new people. In Febrruary I experienced unexpected changes, but thus is life. Everything is a learning experience and I planned to take full advantage. March is here now and things are looking up and I am so grateful for so many things.

I look forward to what the year has to hold fo me and mine and I wish only good for you and yours.

I am excited to meet one new person in particular this year...Sofia, my first grandaughter is expected in May and I can't wait. I of course fully expect to spoil her and then send her home to her parents...what, isn't that what grandparents are for???    

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