When Brittney was born and she was laid on my chest all wet and new, I had never felt so much love for any one person. She was my life. Brittney quickly grew into the cutest thing I'd ever seen, although we weren't sure upon first glance. My mother originally thought she must have been switched at birth with some project to integrate aliens with human beings.
Brittney or Pooh Bear as she was called, was loved and cherished from the beginning, her smile was infectious. Brittney is so smart, she learned to read when she was two; long before "Your Baby Can Read." (Every one's baby could read if we'd just make a concentrated effort to teach them - I just happened to be a stay at home mother on an Army base. I had nothing but time.)
Brittney and I work at the same hospital and I see her occasionally, even though she is almost twenty-six she will always hug me and kiss my cheek no matter the onlookers.
Brittney and I have come along way together. She's my kid and the apple of my eye. She is the sweetest person I know. She may not come across that way to everyone all the time, but she's mine and "Mother Knows Best."
Brittney and I have had our moments as mother and daughter but she knows I'm here and I know she's got my back. I'd want Brittney as my wing man, my teammate, and my home girl in a bar fight. (Not that I get into many bar fights, but if I did, I'd want Brittney by my side.)
Her values are strong and she knows what she wants and what she doesn't...and what she doesn't want, she will not be talked into it. Brittney will respect you until you give her reason not to, and even then she will give you the benefit of the doubt and a second chance.
It's not everyday you get to publicly praise your kid for just being a great person, so today I will take the opportunity to tell you all how lucky I am to be Brittney's mother.
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