
Sunday, June 12, 2011

Me and my girl...Brittney

When Brittney was born and she was laid on my chest all wet and new, I had never felt so much love for any one person. She was my life. Brittney quickly grew into the cutest thing I'd ever seen, although we weren't sure upon first glance. My mother originally thought she must have been switched at birth with some project to integrate aliens with human beings.

Brittney or Pooh Bear as she was called, was loved and cherished from the beginning, her smile was infectious. Brittney is so smart, she learned to read when she was two; long before "Your Baby Can Read." (Every one's baby could read if we'd just make a concentrated effort to teach them - I just happened to be a stay at home mother on an Army base. I had nothing but time.)

Brittney and I work at the same hospital and I see her occasionally, even though she is almost twenty-six she will always hug me and kiss my cheek no matter the onlookers.

Brittney and I have come along way together. She's my kid and the apple of my eye. She is the sweetest person I know. She may not come across that way to everyone all the time, but she's mine and "Mother Knows Best."

Brittney and I have had our moments as mother and daughter but she knows I'm here and I know she's got my back. I'd want Brittney as my wing man, my teammate, and my home girl in a bar fight. (Not that I get into many bar fights, but if I did, I'd want Brittney by my side.)

Her values are strong and she knows what she wants and what she doesn't...and what she doesn't want, she will not be talked into it. Brittney will respect you until you give her reason not to, and even then she will give you the benefit of the doubt and a second chance.

It's not everyday you get to publicly praise your kid for just being a great person, so today I will take the opportunity to tell you all how lucky I am to be Brittney's mother.

Literary Oops...

Oh horror of horrors...I just noticed that the name of my blog is spelled wrong! Can you believe it? A writer misspelling a word. How ridiculously ironic! I am usually so good about making sure that all my product is at it's best before I present it to anyone. I will do all I can do to get it corrected. Hopefully Google Tech Support is easy to reach and cooperative.

Let me introduce myself...

Hello and welcome to Tracy's Epiphany. I am a forty-six year old mother of a grown up (Yea...don't you just love when they grow up?) I have been married and divorced once (Yea...don't you just love when the divorce becomes final?) I am single at the moment, although I am not doing that very effectively. I am not taking some cool pottery or hip hop dance class, I am not learning a new language or taking flying lessons with all my free time. Don't get me wrong, I do get out there, but I'm not yet the pottery making,hip hop dancer who speaks French to the control tower as I am rolling down the tarmac.

I am an unpublished author of my first novel (you'll be reading more about that...I promise.) The book "Once Upon A Time in Heaven" is a fictional account of my death and arrival in Heaven. What I see, do and experience there is pretty cool. I am hoping to find an agent and a publisher that will give my "baby" the attention it deserves. Those of you that are avid prayers and well wishers, please add your faith to mine in this, and if you know anyone in book publishing - let a girl know.

I have a pretty large and decent family (not everyone can say that their family is large AND decent, so I am blessed) I will introduce them as the blog progresses. I of course have a mother...let's call her Jean (okay, yes...that's her name :-) I have two sisters, Kim and Debbie. There are amazingly enough TWO fathers (one of which I found out about and met at thirty nine years of age - you'll learn more about them both later) I have a daughter, Brittney and a best friend of thirty years, Cynthia. Cynthia is my partner in crime, in tears and in laughter...she is the best. (You'll be hearing much more about her.)

I work as an Administrative Assistant at a hospital. I have been assisting someone the majority of my adult life. Frankly, I am looking for someone to assist me! I have a host of friends I share my time with, some intimately, most not. Most of my close friends are male as women (sorry sistas, but you know it's true) can be back stabbing, jealous bitches. (Of course, this does not mean...you :-) I love people and consider them one of God's best creations. I do have a problem with nonsense ridden, common sense lacking knuckle heads. (Was that too harsh, or do you know exactly what I'm talking about?) I am seemingly well like as I have not yet heard differently and I'm clueless as to if I have any "haters" as they have yet to step to me and admit the fact. I think God has worked on me in a way can be liked my most and offend few.

When I considered opening this blog, I tried to figure out exactly what I wanted to blog about...what did I want to say? I realized that I wanted to say a little about EVERYTHING that I have experienced or am experiencing at the moment. I have been told that I have a lot to say on any given subject and have, on more than one occasion been asked to "land the plane."

When I chose the word "Epiphany" in the the title of this blog, I was compelled to find out it's exact meaning (I thought I knew what it meant, but I had to be sure). The dictionary had about four meanings for the word and this one fit best for the needs of this blog..."a sudden, intuitive perception of or insight into the reality or essential meaning of something, usually initiated by some simple, homely, or commonplace occurrence or experience."

As most do, I will blog about what going on in my life and those in it, of course attempting not to disparage anyone. I will blog on topics such as: Love and Relationships, Dating, Families, Fashion, Style, Manners and Etiquette and even "Affairs" of the Heart.

I will take you along with me as I roam the halls of the school we call planet Earth and we'll see if I graduate with honors or if I'm held back by my own silly choices. Wish me luck as I do the same for you.