
Monday, August 26, 2013

Different Route

Hey Guys, I'm so sorry for the lack of posts. I am actually working on creating a new blog altogether. It will be called Silver Fox Style and it will be a lifestyle blog for the over 40 woman. I am very excited about it and plan on it being something that will allow me to utilize my talents, hobbies and just the things that make me happy.

I hope you will enjoy it and send your friends and family to check it out.

I will make several Facebook announcements when it is up and running. I had first planned to do it through BlogSpot like this one, but I am wanting a different look than Blog Spot would offer.

Stay tuned!

-Tracy :-)

Monday, January 14, 2013

Happy New Year

You know how so many people make New Years Resolutions? Well I have decided to change it up a bit for my 2013. I will simply make New Years Plans. I have made a list of 6 things I would like to accomplish in 2013 and I hope to complete the list by 2014.

Making plans helps to ease the pressure and make it less painful if a plan doesn't reach fullfillment. I have made sure to put a least 4 things on the list that simply take effort on my part (which helps the success rate). I have been known to have a problem with motivation, but this year I plan to break that off my life and power through to get the things I want and deserve. I wish you all the best year of your lives!

I will keep you posted.